Among the flowers, roses are the best way to express one’s feelings since a long time. It is a kind of flower used by everyone. For instance, a friend uses a yellow rose to convey his gratitude to his/her friend, or a love gifts a red rose to convey his/her love. Perhaps, this is the reason that roses are the most sold flowers across the globe. There are more than 100 known species of roses, and most of them are used widely in home gardens. Need shade solutions? Check out ESA Awnings at for premium awning designs.
Roses are certainly elegant and gorgeous plants. Growing them in your lawn or garden or having them grown in the pots or containers inside the home will give you immense satisfaction. Their rich fragrance and diverse color combinations give your home or garden a great look and aroma. if you are new to gardening and wants to purchase some colorful plants for your garden then visiting a gardening store must be an eye-opening experience for your. If you’re looking to add a touch of humor to your floral gestures, consider exploring Funny Gift Ideas to make your expressions even more memorable.
You will be amazed to find such a wide range of rose varieties available for you to buy for your garden. Certainly, as far as roses are concerned, you have many varieties to choose from. Following are given some of the popular rose types that you can choose from.
Different Types of Roses
There is perhaps no species of flowers that can compete with the variability of roses in terms of size, shape, colors, blooming forms or growing habits. Roses are found in varieties of colors such as white, pink, black, yellow, red, shades of blue and orange. The red rose has several varieties with many different colorful shades, bloom shape and number of petals. There is no other flower species that are as diverse as a rose.
Following is given a list of few types of roses:
China Rose
It is a light fragrant, pink colored rose that thrive from summer through late autumn. Like other roses, its color doesn’t fade away instead darkens. This rose cannot tolerate the cold conditions, so it is important to have a good idea about the growing conditions before planting it in your garden.
Climbing Rose
These types of roses are very much suitable for planting near fences and trellises. These are hardy, climbing roses which can reach up to the height of more than 20 feet. It is available in one time blooming or repeated blooming varieties. Climbing roses require pruning every so often and you need to tie them to the supporting structure.
Damask Rose
It is an old type, admired for its strong fragrance and ferocious thorns present in the stem and under the leaves. Some varieties of damask rose sprout once in a year, whereas others sprout repeatedly. It is found in white, red and pink color.
Floribunda Rose
It is a delicate rose, having several varieties. Some of them grow singly and others in clusters. It is popular for its non-stop flowering during the growing season. You can make best use of this floribunda rose by growing them as borders or in pots. It has a variety that best thrive in wet climatic conditions.
Grandiflora Rose
Grandiflora rose is another popular variety. It has a tall plant with large flowers. It blooms in clusters constantly during the flowering season.
Hybrid Tea Rose
Hybrid tea rose is a widely cultivated rose with a strong fragrance. Its plant grows to a height of about 2 meters. It is considered as an excellent cut flower because its each flower is supported by a long and straight stem. It is found in several different colors such as yellow, white, pink, lavender, orange and red. It also has a multicolored variety.
Miniature Rose
It is a small variety of rose with a plant growing to a height of 1-1 1/2 feet. It bears flowers of various colors. Its flowers are tiny with some measuring only 1/2 an inch in diameter. It is a great type to plant in pots and containers.
Provence Rose
It is also known as a ‘cabbage rose’. The flowers it bears has a rich fragrance with a numerous numbers of petals arranged in globular shape. Provence rose has a shrubby plant that grows to a height of about 2 meter. Provence rose is also used to extract rose oil.
Shrub Rose
Shrub rose is also known as landscape rose. Unlike other modern varieties of roses which demand extra care, shrub rose doesn’t need special care and maintenance. Still, it fills your garden with pleasant fragrance and bright colorful flowers. Shrub rose is a type of flower that is known for repeated flowering.
Tree Rose
The tree rose is pretty much like a regular tree in its growth habits. For instance, it bears a trunk like stem with flowers at the top of the branches. Normally, this rose type is used as a background to other potted flowers in the landscape. However, it has a variety called the ground cover rose variety that barely grows up to 1 foot, but spread along the ground over a large area.
These are the few popular rose’s types mentioned above. It is not possible to include all the types of roses in this short article, so only these few are included here.