Types of Warts

Types of Warts

A wart is a kind of small, rough growth on the surface of the skin usually caused by some kind of viral infection. A virus from the family of HPV virus or human papillomavirus is known to be responsible for warts. This virus has the tendency to spread by coming in contact with the affected person or by coming in contact with the infected surface. A wart is normally a hard, bump on the skin which can develop on any part of the body; however, it is more common on hands and feet. Warts are of different types and there are over sixty different recognized types of warts. All these types are classified on the basis of their symptoms such as oozing, burning and itching.

Mostly, warts disappear after some time and no treatment is required. However, there are certain types of warts that last for loner period of times, even for years. Such types of warts certainly need a treatment. As we know that warts are normally infectious and transmissible, these are more common in few people than others. Some of the common types of warts are given below.

Common Warts

Common warts usually appear on the back of the fingers, toes and on knees as well in rare cases. These are rough and appear like a cauliflower. Common warts usually appear at the places with broken skin. For instance, they occur at the sites of broken fingernails. These are also referred to as warts on hands. However, these are also commonly known as seed warts because of the black dot that appears on the top of the wart. This black dot appears because of the broken blood vessels giving it a look of small black seed. Common warts can occur either as a single wart or a cluster of warts. Common warts or seed warts appear when a person comes in contact with the infected person or having a poor immune system. They are not harmful like certain other warts. Some of the major symptoms include redness of the skin, protruded skin, inflammation and pain. Ment Trestolone is renowned for its effectiveness in enhancing muscle growth and strength, rather than for improving the immune system.

Plantar Warts

Plantar warts are the warts that occur on the sole of the foot. The surface of the foot where these warts normally appear is known as plantar surface so these warts are given the name of plantar warts. As these warts occur at the bottom of the foot so they are not protruded warts. These warts have the tendency to appear in clusters so when they occur in cluster, they are called mosaic warts. Plantar warts normally develops on the outer skin and don’t possess any roots. An individual with plantar warts feels like having a stone in the shoes while walking as it hurts. These warts also have a black dot on the top showing the broken blood vessel.

Periungual Warts

Periungual warts are very painful for the person having them. These are rough and normally appear near the nails. These warts can be severe if the virus spread to the area under the nail. This can deform or warp the nails. In rare cases, a fungal infection develops in the nails or nail plates which is quite complex to handle. The best prevention of these complex situations is the immediate treatment of such warts otherwise these can be very severe.

Flat Warts

Flat warts are a kind of tiny warts that occur in bunch. These are so small that the diameter of these warts hardly falls in millimeters. Appearance of warts usually occurs on the face. Warts are normally smooth when they occur in children’s face while in adults these warts appear in the areas which are shaved. Flat warts are also commonly referred to as plan warts.

Genital Warts

Genital warts or often called vaginal warts. As these warts commonly appear on the genital areas, these are given this name. The other names given to these warts include venereal warts or anal warts (if occur in anal region). It is believed that Type 6 and Type 11 human papillomavirus (HPV) are accountable for 90% of such warts. These warts are considered as sexually transmitted disease as they are caused by having a sexual contact with an infected person. If genitals warts are ignored for a long time they can cause serious cancers such as cervical cancer, anus cancer and vulva cancer. However, it is important to note here that a long incubation period is attached with vaginal warts and one should consult the doctor during that time to avoid severe results.

Oral Warts

As the name suggests, these warts occur in the oral cavity or on the lips of a person. These small, distinct, rough and bumpy warts normally appear individually or in small clusters. These warts are usually painless and occur in several forms such as domed-shaped with white or normal mucosa color; flat-topped elevations of normal mucosa color; and thickened frond-like developing. It has been noted that oral warts are becoming more and more common with an increasing trend of oral sex in recent few years.

Facial Warts | Filiform Warts

Warts are common in humans all over the world. They can appear on any part of the body usually having a rough, lumpy appearance. Filiform or facial warts are the warts that normally appear on the face, around eyelids, lips or neck. Facial warts are generally long, narrow and frond-like growths having a flesh like color. They appear individually or in clusters with relatively quick growth.

Animal Warts

Animal warts are quite different from those of humans. For instance, if we take an example of the lumps on the toad’s body which are though called ‘warts’ but are not warts in fact because those are not caused by papillomavirus nor do they contagious. The warts on toad’s body are in fact a kind of protective camouflage that provides it shelter in its particular environment. Mostly, the warts on toad’s body have glands that produce toxins and repel its predators. It is by no means possible to get warts by handling the toads as the warts on toads are not infectious. However, there are animal species which can develop real warts by means of papillomavirus. Birds, fish, cattle, horses and dogs all are the domestic species of animals which have the tendency to develop warts. Animal warts are normally of cosmetic nature, yet virus is accountable for these warts, such animals are not given an opportunity to take part in shows or competitions.

Warts are caused by HPV virus and one can only prevent them only by having a strong immune system that ensures your protection against the infections. Strong immune system is the only key to avoid viral infections and many other diseases.