Types of Daisy Flowers

Types of Daisy Flowers

Daisy flowers belong to the family Compositae, now commonly known as Asteraceae. The member flowering plants of this family are considered as perennial flowering plants indigenous to the North and Central regions of Europe. The term ‘daisy’ is derived from ‘day’s eye’, as the flower unfolds at the dawn. One can easily recognized the daisy flowers because of its large petals and a large prominent center. The daisy flowers are found in white, pink, yellow, bright red and blue colors. Often people think that daisy is a single flower, but it is comprised of two flowers actually. The central part of the flower is made up of short disk florets, whilst the petal like ray florets located at the fringe.

Daisy Flower Types

Daisy flowers are found in so many different types and varieties. It is not possible to cover all of them in this short article. So, some of the most popular types of daisy flowers are given below with brief description:

Shasta Daisy

This the most popular type of daisy flowers which has white petals with yellow central part. The flowers of this daisy sprout from early summer to fall. The plant of Shasta daisy has dark green leaves and can grow up to the size of 2 to 3 feet. The Shasta daisy is an easy to grow plant that doesn’t require much attention. You need to plant it in well-drained soil at place with adequate amount of sunlight.

English Daisy

English daisy biologically known as Bellis Perennis is known to be the true daisy. Some of the other names given to this daisy are common daisy and lawn daisy. English daisy is indigenous to northern, central and western Europe. The flowers if English daisy is 2 to 3 cm in diameter. It has white petals with yellow disk florets. The flowers of English daisy usually sprout in the spring season.

African Daisy

African daisies are indigenous to Africa, especially South Africa. It has also gained the status of naturally grown daisy in the southwestern regions of the United States. African daisies are best for rock gardens. African daisy flowers are found in white, blue and pink colors and sprout in the summer season. African daisy grows well in properly drained soil in a place with a lot of sunlight.

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisy is also indigenous to South Africa. It is known for its striking array of colors. You can have gerbera daisy in white, pink, cream, deep orange, red, violet petals with golden disk florets. Besides its exotic flowers, gerbera daisy is also appreciated for its cuts flowers and ornamental nature of its plant. The foliage of its plant grows up to the length of 8 to 10 inch with a width of about 12 inch. This best for sandy or loam soils and enjoys a lot of sun.

Zulu Prince Daisy

Zulu prince daisy is often referred to as ‘monarch of Veldt’ and is indigenous to Africa. Its most characteristic feature is its silver-colored leaves and large blossoms that unfold up to 4 inch. It has white petals or ray florets with black center or disk florets surrounded by purple-colored or yellow-colored inner rings. The flowers bloom from midsummer to fall. As Zulu prince daisy shows more resistant against the heat and drought, one can grow it easily.

Kingfisher Daisy

Botanical name for kingfisher daisy is Felicia Bergeriana. This daisy is also originated from South Africa. It is known to be a fast growing plant having deep blue color blossoms with a bright yellow disk florets or center. This daisy plant is a member of family Felicia which is known for members with extended blooming periods. Kingfisher daisy sprouts from summer to autumn. Kingfisher daisy is usually opted as an edging plant or border plant in flower gardens. It is also used in rock gardens and flowerbeds. The plant has small foliage of bright green color. Its flowers are deep blue in colors.

Ox-Eye Daisy

Ox-eye daisy is a perennial flowering plant found in Europe and some temperate areas of Asia. The other names given to this daisy plant are ‘marguerite and moon daisy’. It bears white blossoms having a flat yellow disk florets or center. The foliages are dark green in color. Ox-eye daisy flourishes well in damp soils and for this reason commonly found in fields, meadows, and canopy forests. It prefers full or partial sunlight.

Above mentioned are some of the most popular varieties of daisy flowers. Besides all these varieties, there are many others including lazy daisy or prairie daisy, crown daisy, blue daisy, gloriosa daisy, Spanish daisy and calendula flowers that can be made into a lovely flavourful tea with a complex flavour.

Daisy flowers are considered the symbol of innocence, purity, simplicity and loyal love. The family Asteraceae of which the daisy flower belongs is known to be the second biggest family of the flowering plants. Nowadays, daisies are appreciated for their exotic flowers and are mostly used as cut flowers or in different flower arrangements.